Clément Pellegrini
Radiateur numérique
Produit historique de Qalway, le radiateur numérique est l’innovation pionnière de la récupération de la chaleur fatale informatique.

1500 AMD Ryzen PRO will heat homes and offices next year in Bordeaux, France

September 8, 2017 - Company Updates


Qarnot was invited by AMD in New York City on August 29 for the launch of Ryzen PRO processors. Designed for business, Ryzen PRO processors bring reliability, security, and performance to address the demands of today's compute-intensive enterprise-focused workloads. A very good fit for Qarnot, invited by AMD to share its experience and projects on stage.

Qarnot’s mission: leveraging the heat generated by processors to heat homes and offices for free

As an innovative decentralized cloud services provider, the quality of our processors is paramount to offer maximum performance to our clients. Qarnot’s cloud is based on a disruptive infrastructure: the Q.rad, a heater embedding three CPUs as a heat source. We reuse the heat they generate to heat homes and offices for free. Q.rad is connected to the Internet and receives in real time workloads from our in-house computing platform. Our main business at Qarnot is to provide a cloud computing platform which is able to send heavy workloads to any kind of computer, server or heater. We mainly target two industries with massive computing power needs: movie studios for 3D rendering and VFX, and banks for risk analysis. For example, BNP Paribas run 5% of their financial risk analysis on our platform. 

Why we have chosen the Ryzen PRO

In terms of performance and features, the Ryzen PRO is a fantastic opportunity for Qarnot. In our testing, based on 3D rendering computations, we saw a performance gain of 30 to 45% compared to the Intel i7 we were previously using. Security is crucial for us. On the one hand, the environment where our Q.rads are installed is by definition physically unsecured as it can be anyone’s house. As a consequence, we have to deliver state of the art hardware and software security to protect customer data. On the other hand, our hardware is connected and located in people’s living rooms so we care about security and privacy like any IoT or smart home manufacturer. Ryzen PRO’s Transparent Secure Memory Encryption feature that enables OS independent memory encryption is therefore very interesting to provide additional security layers to our solution.

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1500 AMD Ryzen PRO will heat homes and offices next year in Bordeaux, France

Every processor heats. What matters is the Thermal Design Power, and Ryzen Pro is producing the same heat as the equivalent Intel CPUs we were using while providing twice as many cores. A good fit for our customers that use core count to evaluate their computing needs. Earlier this year, Qarnot has won a social housing project in Bordeaux (the city of wine in France). For this project, we have decided to switch to AMD to power our Q.rads. 1500 Ryzen PRO will be heating homes and offices for free next winter. In the meantime, we are considering AMD’s CPUs and GPUs, as we are working on new products, including a boiler for domestic hot water and swimming pool heating solutions. [1] AMD Ryzen PRO product page [2] AMD Ryzen PRO launch press release

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